Sunday, 23 July 2017

David Copperfield

2017 may  9th Friday
David Copperfield written by Charles Dickens

(A NOTE: This is written by Minnal, when she is assigned the work, to read the five classical novels, which are intended to read, understand and narrate the story on her own way. It is nothing but retelling. she started this work in the summer of 2017 and started writing in June of 2017. These are the  early days  of her seventh class. To her knowledge she made enough mistakes in writing. Some are, as she does not know the conventions of narration she always jumps from one tense to another tense in the same sentence. In the same way she makes so many mistakes in reporting. she has problems with prepositions. The biggest one is she writes big, complex sentences, which ultimately leads her loss of grip over the sentence. But considering her knowledge, and age we couldn't disagree with her interests.. )

Before David was born his father died and his mother was too young. There was an aunt to his father who was great aunt for  David was so kind  .David’s father was once her favorite but they both parted after the marriage  of David’s mother and father as the bride was too young (less than 20). And after that they had never met again even when David’s father died but a day before David was born she had come to visit David’s mother but she had ever seen David’s mother .She came to the house and asked, is this Copperfield’s house.  Then David’s mom said, yes and who is this? Then she replied, Mrs. Trotwood here. Then she was invited inside, they talked about David’s father’s death and after sometime Mrs. Trotwood asked, is it a boy or a girl. Then mother replied I have not yet thought of it. Trotwood replied I have no doubt its girl but I don’t mean your servant. After some time David’s mother immediately dispatched Peggoty to fetch the nurse and Mr. Chillip, the doctor . At half past twelve the doctor come out and informed to Miss Trotwood, that it was a boy. She felt very disappointed and left the house.     

         David grew to six years age. Described how his mother and her servant girl Peggoty was and  he even described how his house was. He talked with peggoty about second marriage of his mother. And after some time his mother introduced Mr. Mrudstone.He talked to  David softly but David noticed that he was so cruel and bad. David was so jealous of him.

                     After two days David was taken by Peggoty to her brother’s house at Yarmouth,  there he met Mr. Peggoty, who so kind with him and he even met Ham and Emily who were nephew and niece of Mr.peggotty and were adopted by him .Emily was a pretty small creature. And their house is a ship actually which lies at some distance from the beach. But it looked so neat inside. David and Emily often played at the beach and walked along the beach talking for hours. David spent two weeks there and returned to his house.

                   When David came to his house a big disaster had happened. That was his mother was married to Mr. Mirdstone. His mother was stopped by Mr.Murstone not to show any emotion on David. Mother went to David’s room to hug him, Murdstone tells her to go downstairs and scolds her . Now Murstone had takeover the house. At the first day itself Murstone punished David to show him how he punishes naughty boys. And after that Murstones sister Miss Murdstone  comes to the house and she is not even one inch less than her brother. David now started to learn lessons and this is his first time to read words. As usually he made a mistake. Murdstone warned him. And another time he made another mistake. For that he was taken upstairs and punished , this went on every day . One day David had lost his peace and had bitten Murstones hand. For that he was imprisoned in his room for five days. After that he was sent to boarding school in a cart. The driver’s name is Barkins. Later, after he leaves home Peggaty met him on the way and had secretly collected some food and money to give them to David. David shared some food with Barkis and soon David get known that Barkis is fond of Peggotty and also Barkis told David to tell Peggotty that , “  Barkis is willing” .Finally David reached the boarding school and there he was received by a master of Salem house Mr.Mell.  He then get to know that the summer holidays  are still not completed but he had being made to come to the school. Soon Mr.Mell was humble with David.

In the holidays he helps Mr.Mell in the school chore and even learns lessons. David schocked when he got to know that he should carry a board in which it is written that “take care of him, he bites. David was so scared that other students may comment him. But it’s not that much hard because all the boys made joke on the whole affair. There he met James steerforth and Tommy Tradles who takes David to their wing. The school was run  by a sadist Mr. Creakle who was just like Mr. Murstone he used to punish the boys extremely bad. He introduced David to the students that he bites .Mr.Creakle every time punishes David for no reason. Tommy Tradles is one of the students who is often punished. He was also punished for something Steeforth does. Steerforth was so famous in the school and never gets punished because he is Mr. Creakle's favourite. Steerforth also made Mr.Mell to get suspended steerforth used to buy buiscuits secretly with Davids money.
At the beginning David thought that Steerforth was humble and honest but later he got to know that he was not a very good fellow.

David came to his house and discovered that he had got a brother from his mom now what is another good news is Mr. Murustone and miss Murudstone were gone for a holiday and on that David spent a good evening with his mom’s Peggoty. Peggotty then said to both of them that Barkis proposed her, but assured that she will never leave David’s mom. The next day Mr.Murdstone returned to the house and as usual  Davids holidays were completed even without a single event .

           Finally the holidays get completed and David returned to his school. After few weeks Mr. Crakle called him to come to his office and said a great bad news and it was his mother’s death.
David returned to his house now. He cried a lot as everyone does, later Mr.Murdstone gave an order to Peggoty to leave her work. She asked permission to take David to Yarmouth from Mr.Murdstone and it was granted. David was so happy again. It seemed that Emily is grown up and her behavior too. Peggotty and Barkis get married before the day David leave. After Peggoty marriage David again returned to his house and now thought his days will go as usual and Murdstone will keep punishing him but Murdstone did not punish him at all. After few weeks Mr.Murdstone told to David that he should work  for Murdtone’s and grinby’s.       

                     Now David was 10 years old. Murdstone and Grinbys were wine suppliers. There, David  washes and label the bottles. He felt that it was one of the most horrible part of his life because he was so young  and he was the boy who had come from a good family background. He was a small boy but he worked 12 hours a day which was so terrible. The luckiest part now in this situation was, David met a humble man Mr.Micawber who gave rest room to David. Just like Mr.Micawber. Micawbers family was also so honest. David was so happy for this thing .David later became just like one of Micawber’s family. But Micawber was too poor and unfortunate, he was even sent to prison. David then shifter his room near to that place because they were the only one who cares and love him.
             Finally Mr.Micawber was released and he decidied to go to Plymouth and try his luck there. 

Because of this thing David fell so sad. Now Mr.Micawber left David and David has no-one now to care him. After few weeks he remembered that he had an aunt Miss .Betsey Trotwood. About whom his mother used to say. David ran away from Micawbers and Frinbys and started  to walk along the streets to reach Dover. He had to walk and he had to sleep on the road side(or) in the fields. He had got a worst situation for money, had to pawn his clothes to get his food .Finally he reached Dover and even reached R.Betsey’s house by enquiring everyone for the address. He then introduced himself to aunt Betsey. Aunt Betsey took him in and then David took hot bath,delicious meal and a luxirious sleep as per  the consultation of Mr. Dick. Suddenly after few days Mr.Murdstone appeared as which is already known to David. Mr.Murdstone asked aunt Betsy to send David back so that he would take care of him. Aunt Betsey asked David Whether he want to go but David refused for it.So he stayed with aunt Betsey. Later aunt Betsy renamed David copperfield as Hotwood copperfield.

                                                           After few weeks aunt Betsey had a thought of David, going to school and continuing his education. David is so excited for this . Aunt Betsey consulted Mr.Wickfield it was decided that .Dr. Strongs school is there he find its so comfortable . Now he is so fond of Dr.Strong. He lodged in Mr.Wickfields house .He even had a friend Agnes who was Mr. wickfields daughter and was so humble with David. He even met a wary Persor Uriah Heep who was an assistant to Mr.Wickfield.

           David started the new life. In the mornings he used to go to Dr. Strong and in the evenings he talked to Uriah who was 3 to 4 years older than him and who was practicing law. Uraih always used say that he was humble and even his mom too. 

     David regularly wrote to Peggoty and Peggoty also wrote to him. Aunt Betsey used to come and visit David every third and fourth and Saturday and Mr.Dick came on alternative Wednesdays to visit David.

                        One day David promised Uriah that he will come to have some tea to Uraih's house. As per the promise David went to his house. He then came to know that Uraiah's mom is just like him. They always ask David about his personal life and the people he had known. David was too young and too humble to refuse answer those and kept answering, but felt that he  had revealed all his secrets..

                         While this conversation he saw someone passing on that way and to find that he came out of the house and the found its Mr.Micawber, he felt so much happy and then introduced him to Uraish.

              He then left Uraiahs house and went to Mr.Micawber lodging to see the rest of Micawbers.The next day David is so disturbed to see Mr.Micawber and Uraih getting friendly.
After few weeks David completed his education and said  a good bye to Agnes and Mr.Wickfield now he was so confused what to do next. Aunt Betsey gave an idea to go yarmout to clear his mind and take decision.

                   Now he was on  the way to yarmouth. He met his old friend steerforth, had been asked to come to his house and visit his mom.

  As per the request David went to Steerforths residency and met Mrs.Steerforth and her companion Rosa Dartle.

               After staying there for a day David asked Steerforth to come with him to visit Mr.Peggoty. .Steerforth agreed for that and was on the way with David.

                  It was the first time for David to visit Yarmouth after Peggoty's marriage. But it looked the same.

                       Now he was on the way to Peggoty's residency, he got to know that Emily was a dressmaker now. David saw her at work but he felt too shy to say hello to her.  Finally he got to Barkis residency. when he knocked the door, Peggoty came out. He teased her by behaving like a stranger but after some time Peggoty got to know that it was David and was very happy. When he got in, he got to know that Barkis was so sick and bed ridden but so cheerful.

                          David now went to Mr.Peggoty's house and had known that Ham and little Emily got engaged. For the celebrations,stayed that night. David noticed that Emily looking at steerforth whole night. They stayed there until 2 weeks one night steerforth said to David that he had bought a boat and named it little Emily.

                             David got back to Dover and told aunt Betsey that he had decided to become a lawyer but want to quit from there, as aunt Betsey can’t afford it, but his aunt said that she had already put some money for him aside. She also suggested him to take room for him. He so thrilled for this.

                 Now David was so independent and gave a party to his friends. In this party he get drunk for the first time. Then they all decided to go to a theater .They went to the theater. There David saw  Agnes and went near her and talked to her  but she said to get out from there as he and his friends are creating nuisense. Steerforth got David to his room and left.

           In the morning he had got a letter from Agnes inviting him to her house for having some tea. After reading this he remembered all the matter which he had done and felt ashamed.

       After having tea with Agnes, Agnes said a bad news to David and that Uriah taking partnership in her dad’s business. David didn’t like this at all and said Agnes to stop  it but Agnes replied him that
Uriah had taken her dad’s weakness as an advantage and encouraged him  to take Uraiah as his partner otherwise his business would be destroyed. At the end Agnes warned David about Steerforth.
  After this David was invited to a  dinner party by Agnes and there met Tommy, was his old friend at Salem house.   
He even met Uriah with whom he walked to his room. David offered him coffee but he hated Uriah to be in his room. Uriah then said a news that he loved Agnes and will marry her soon. After hearing this, David was so angry on Uriah.

 After this, David didn’t see Uriah until the day Agnes leaving the town. David saw Uriah there, having a confidence then that Agnes was under his control and Agnes left.

                                     David was now practicing law. David settled down to a routine as an apprentice at Spenlow and Jorkins. Mr.Spenlow was a widower with a daughter named Dora .One day David was invited by Mr.Spenlow to have tea. David went there and saw Dora for the first time and fell in love. He is in the desire of marrying her.  Dora is childish, pretty innocent and had nothing wrong in her. His landlady advised him to take a hobby to distract his mind. Following  Mrs.Crupps advice, David thought for some time and Traddles in his mind and went to see him. He was living in a very neat but barely furnished room. Traddles was practicing law but he was so struggling. He was not so good in his financial matters. He told Davis that he was engaged. But will marry when he got money. David asked, who is that girl. Traddles answer made David surprised because it was Sophy who was daughter of Mr.Micawber. After hearing this Traddles and David went to their house. Mr.Micawber was so surprised and invited both of them to Dinner. After leaving Mecawber house David warned Traddles not to get  into any of Mr.Micawber’s business as they can’t pay it again .For that Traddles said he already had lend some money for them.

                 After this, Steerforth came to David’s house to inform that Mr.Barkis is so ill than that day, they both decided to go to yarmouth and were on their way but  Steerforth asked David to come to his house first. David accepted for this and went there. Mrs.Steerforth was so surprised to see David and Rosa too. In the evening Rosa sang a song by playing harm. When she finished that, steerforth teased her, for that she slapped him on his face but thath did not effect Steerforth too much. David said a good bye to Steerforth as he leave before Steerforth wakeup.

      David went to Peggoty’s house and found Mr. Piggoty, Emily, and Ham were there. Then David went upstairs and saw Peggoty sobbing .Peggoty thanked David again and again coming to visit her. Finally David went to Barkis bed and saw him not able to talk. Now it’s time for Barkis to die and David was there when he was dieing .Finally Barkis was dead. David looked after Peggoty and gave her some money.

               After this, David returned to Mr.Peggoty’s boathouse  within two days Ham and Emily were going to marry but a big disaster faced them. A very bad news came out and that was Emily running away with Steerforth .Ham was so shocked and was so much sad as he loved her so much. David was so shocked too .He felt so shamed as he introduced Steerforth to them.Mr.Peggoty was so sad but stayed strong and said that he was going out for searching his dearest niece. After this David was imaging that Steerforth was dead to forget him.

      It was decided that Mrs.Gummidge, the widow and companion of Mrs.Peggoty should stay at the boat house and Ham will live with Peggoty. Mr.Peggoty, with David went to Mrs.Steerforth house .She said that Steerforth never marry Emily as she was from different class and this will make his career and name to be destroyed. She even said that she will never accept if Steerforth come to my house until he get rid of Emily.

Rosa Dartle equally scolded Emily and said she made Steerforth to trust her to cheat him. Mr.Peggoty can’t bare these scoldings and even came to know that he can find no clue about Emily. So, he left from there with David . He said a good bye to David to set off in search of Emily from there David returned to his routine.

    David love continued. Dora’s birthday is the occasion for which David was invited. David spent the party glaring at her. Dora went to spend few weeks  with her friend in London. One day David went there to meet her and finally proposed her. She accepts but this remained a secret between these two only.

        After some days Aunt Betsey came to visit David with Mr.Dick, then she said a bad news to David that she had lost all her money by investing in a wrong investments after that, she teased David about the love. David felt so unhappy which lead him feel to break his apprenticeship with 
Mr.Spenlow and even cancel his plan marriage with Dora. But Mr.Spenlow said that was impossible to break his apprenticeship .Then David  started to go to his house thinking how to get money.

              On the way he met Agnes who said him that  she had also got a trouble and that Uriah helped and his mom had moved into her house and was living with them. She even told him that Dr.Strong, the old teacher of David had retired but  was waiting to get a secretary for him.

                                Now David settled down into  routine . He used to go to Dr. Strong's house at 7 ‘o clock and worked for 2 house there and an the evening for  2 hours he got 70 pounds every year but David thought that  this earnings was not enough. So  he decided to do another work. For this he asked Traddles to advise him. Traddles said him to learn shorthand so that he can work in a newspaper. Traddles and David decided to go and visit Mr.Micawber.Who was on the way to London from Canterbury. David felt so unhappy he got know that Mr.Micawber was going to work as an assistant at Uraih Heep. David saw Peggoty who was going to take the duties of Ham.

                     David told Dora that he was not going to marry  her  because of his poorness and for that Dora started crying and said that she still love him even though he was poor and was ready to marry him. Then David said that she must learn housekeeping as he was poor. This made Dora’s heart to welcome her fear but David made her confidence to be back. David loved Dora so much which led  him to even love  her helplessness, one day the secret was revealed. Mr.Spenlow took David aside and asked does he love Dora. David agreed for that. David asked Mr.Spenlow how  did he get to know  this and then he showed the letter David had written to Dora. After some days Mr.Spenlow died and it was time for Dora to go with her aunts and live at London.

This made David to go into a deep depression aunt Betsey told David to go to Dover to check her tenants, but it was actually to distract David’s mind. From Dover David went to Canterbury to visit  Mr.wodefield. David noticed Mr.Micawber changed a lot and he was with a great distance from a smile . He stayed at Uriah’s old  house as a tenant. He hardly spoke with David. Agnes advised David to write to Dora’s aunts for getting a permission to visit Dora. David was very happy to be with Agnes but Mrs.Heep didn’t let them to stay together.

      One day David got so disturbed when he saw Uriah forcing Mr.Wickfield to drink too much. On the same occasion Uraiah asked Mr.Wickfield  to marry his daughter. Mr.Wickfield lost his temper when he heard this and then Agnes let out her father from the room. Next day David was to leave . David took Traddles along with him. They said to David to dine with them every Sunday and to have tea with them  2 weeks. After few days aunt Betsey also had a visit and Dora’s aunts too.

    After 3 years David had become a well-known reporter and had enough money with him. Now Dora’s aunt agreed for the marriage. After few weeks David and Dora got married. Now David’s dream had come true. Aunt Betsey love Dora a lot and call her little blossom. Agnes and Dora also were fond of each other. David was so happy because everyone likes Dora.

                                     David was so happy now but his only unhappiness was the house work of Dora. She didn’t like this at all. As David love her so much he forgave Dora for everything for learning about these subjects, David bought her some books. She always Says that he headaches When she try to read these books .She asked David to call her “child wife” as she stopped his angriness when he was about to call her. Aunt Betsey frequently visited them. She treated Dora so tenderly David noticed Dora losing her weight which led David to carry her everywhere and made him to know that it’s time for his wife to leave this earth. David felt so sad for this .

  Later, after few day he saw a messenger from Yarmouth who came to visit him and told him about Mr.Peggoty. David went to London with Martha, the messenger.He, then reached London, entered into a shabby neighborhood. There, saw someone passing before them. Then he, with Martha hid at a place and  observed what was the matter. He was so  surprised to know that it was Rosa Dartle talking with someone about Steerforth. Then a sweet voiced reply came which made David to know that it was Emily and saying that she will never talk to Steerforth again. Then suddenly Mr.Peggoty entered there after Rosa had left. Emily fainted when he saw him. Then Mr.Peggoty picked up her.
The next day Mr.Peggotty said all the matter to David and Aunt Betsey. And that was Steerforth left Emily in Italy after roaming around some places. He even said to Emily to marry his servant then Emily  ran away at that night in a flight and was found by a fisher man, fainted at the beach when running. He and his wife took care of her and sent her to London. She, then found her old friend, Martha there, who agreed Emily to stay at her house. He even said that he with his niece were migrating to Australia, no one is known there but before that he should look after his affairs at Yarmouth.

 David goes with Mr.Peggoty. Ham is still heart – broken but, accepts Emily and his uncle to go to Australia Mrs.Gummidge asked Mr.Peggoty that she can go with them. He didn’t agree for that, but Finally she was going with Mr.peggoty and now they about.

                David got a letter from MR.Micaber and said that he had last his peace and can’t control himself from talking about Uraiah Heep. He also said that David should bring Aunt Betsey, Traddles with him. Davis did just like.Mr.Micawber called Aunt  Betsey, David , Traddles Agnes,Mr.Wickfiels , Uriah was a cheat, he is like a snake he always steal other’s money and in those others Aunt Betsey was one. Uriah is a fraud and after knowing all these goodness didn’t allow him to work  for main as an assistant of  he is so hatred of himself. Uriah did not get afraid of these but when they called the police .

         He had his mom was so frightened finally the police came and arrested Uriah and Aunt Betsey’s money was back.

   Now it’s time for David to return to his home. His wife health worsens more. He was so unhappy because his wife was bed ridden. He had to stay at her bed whole day .He used to talk to her sometimes about Agnes and Aunt Betsey and in the other times he would remain quiet . One day she asked him to call Agnes and tell her to meet her. Agnes came and, when she was talking with Dora, David was  not there Agnes came downstairs with a terrible news and  that was Dora’s death. There was no limit for David’s sadness.

    Now David met Mr.Peggoty and Micawber who had came to London. They seemed so together .David did not about Ham to her and how Ham was feelings about her. Then the next day Peggoty had came with Emily’s reply and that said that she was feelings so good about  Ham , and begged Ham to forgive her and she will keep the letter until she die. Now David  decided to go to Yarmouth and inform Ham about Emily’s letter. When he went  there,It was a very stormy day. The sea was roaring terribly. After some time he heard people talking about a boat going to sink. After  hearing that David went there .  There was a big crowd. David abled to see some people were sinking in the water one by one and getting to dead. Finally there was only one left. Ham decided to help him to do that he tied himself with rope on his waist and the other end was holded by some people. He  was about to reach the boat but a big tide came and hit him with a huge force which made him to die. When he got to the shore David took him to a room and was trying to wake him up. After few minutes the last one also came to the shore and David was so surprised when he saw that it was Steerforth!

 Now David had informed Mr.Peggoty and Emily about Ham’s Death. He had to take Steerforth book to his house. When he took him to his house and there when Mrs.Steerforth started to sob when Rosa saw him she started crying and even started to scold Mrs.Steerforth as she made him a bad person, Which led him to bad situation. She even revealed that she loved him. David left them and came to the boathouse.There he saw Emily and Peggoty crying In the next morning they were on their way to Australia. Because  they can’t forget Ham if they stay here.

         David returned to Dover and gave a good bye to Agnes, Aunt Betsey and started travelling. Europe. He roamed until he reached Switzerland there he became a famous author and a well-known to everyone. After three years he got to know that he love Agnes he then had a journey, and reached Agnes. He asked Agnes to marry him. She agreed and the got married. After  ten years Mr Peggoty met them. But Emily didn’t come with him. He informed that he was a farmer there in Australia and Emily didn’t yet get married but was so happy. Mr.Peggoty was old but still had a strong heart. Mr. Micawber also met David and Agnes he told that his daughter Sophy had got married with Traddles and he was too happy now with enough money. Aunt Betsey Peggoty and Mr.Dick are also old now but Peggoty still worked there for them. She even looked after 3 children of David and Agnes. David had become a judge and Agnes stands supporting to him.

List of characters:

  David Copperfield He is the central character in the novel and tells the story of his life from birth to adulthood. David is a sensitive youth who first suffers under the cruel Murdstones and then is sent away to work in a wine warehouse. David first marries Dora Spenlow, an empty-headed young girl; afterward, he realizes how incompatible they really are. When Dora dies, he marries Agnes Wickfield and by the novel's end, he has matured into a successful writer and adult.

Clara Copperfield David's mother. She is an attractive, tender person, but impractical and emotional and easily taken in by Mr. Murdstone, who marries her because he is interested in her annuity.
Clara Peggotty The Copperfields' housekeeper, who also acts as David's nurse. She is a woman of intense loyalty and is David's only companion after his mother's death. Peggotty marries Barkis, the cart-driver, and continues throughout the novel to be David's friend.
Edward Murdstone David's stepfather. A dark, handsome man who cruelly beats David and slowly drives David's mother to an early death.
Jane Murdstone Mr. Murdstone's sister. She runs the Copperfield household and incessantly harasses David.
Mr. Barkis The driver of the horse-cart that travels between Yarmouth and David's home, He is a shy, quiet man who uses David as a messenger in his courtship of Peggotty.
Mr. Chillip The doctor who delivers David. He is an exceedingly mildmannered, frightened little man who is especially afraid of David's aunt, Betsey Trotwood.
Daniel Peggotty Clara Peggotty's brother and a Yarmouth fisherman. He is a warm-hearted man whose house is a refuge for anyone who needs help.
Ham Peggotty Mr. Peggotty's orphaned nephew. Ham, like his uncle, is a considerate, kindly person. He is in love with Em'ly and waits patiently for her after she runs away. He finally dies in an attempt to save Steerforth, Em'ly's seducer.
Little Em'ly Mr. Peggotty's orphaned niece. She is David's childhood sweetheart, but becomes engaged to Ham and later runs away with Steerforth. She is a quiet, compassionate young girl who wants to become a "lady," a desire that leads to unhappiness.
Mrs. Gummidge The widow of Mr. Peggotty's partner. She constantly complains about her hardships, but when Em'ly runs away, she changes into a helpful, inspiring confidante of Mr. Peggotty.
Charles Mell A schoolmaster at the Salem House boarding school. A gentle friend and teacher of David.
Mr. Creakle The sadistic headmaster of the Salem House School. He is a fiery-faced man who enjoys flogging the boys with a cane. He later becomes a prison magistrate.
Mr. Tungay The assistant and cruel companion of Mr. Creakle. He has a wooden leg and repeats everything that Creakle says.
James Steerforth A spoiled young man whom David admires. He has a surface polish and the good manners that deceive people who do not know him. His true selfishness is shown when he deserts Em'ly, leaving her with his servant, Littimer. He is killed in a storm off Yarmouth along with Ham, who tries to save him.
Tommy Traddles David's friend. Of all the boys at the Salem House School, Traddies receives the most punishment. He is a good-natured, loyal friend to both David and Mr. Micawber. Traddles is persistent, and this quality helps him rise from his humble background to become a judge.
Wilkins Micawber A constantly impoverished, but always optimistic, gentleman who boards David during his stay in London. He is a broad comic character with a passion for writing flowery letters and uttering grandiloquent speeches. He finally accompanies Mr. Peggotty to Australia, where he becomes a successful magistrate.
Emma Micawber Mr. Micawber's long-suffering wife. She stands by her husband through all his hardships, even joining him in debtors' prison.
Betsey Trotwood David's great-aunt. She is unhappy that David was born a boy instead of a girl, but later she acts as his guardian and provider during his early years of schooling. Her formal, often brisk, nature is deceiving; she is basically a sympathetic person.
Richard Babley (Mr. Dick) A lovable simpleton cared for by Betsey Trotwood. He is engaged in writing a long manuscript that he uses to paper a huge kite. Mr. Dick is devoted to David's aunt and becomes a great friend of David's.
Uriah Heep A repulsive, scheming young man who attempts to marry Agnes Wickfield and gain control of her father's law practice. He pretends to be humble and uses this as a means to gain vindictive revenge on people he believes have snubbed him. He is exposed by Mr. Micawber and ends up in prison.
Mr. Wickfield A solicitor and the widowed father of Agnes Wickfield. He is a proud man, but his excessive drinking allows Uriah Heep to take advantage of him.
Agnes Wickfield The daughter of Mr. Wickfield; David's second wife. She is a dutiful companion and housekeeper to her father and a sisterly friend to David while he stays at the Wickfield house. She proves to be a perfect wife and an inspiration to David in his writing.
Dr. Strong The headmaster of the school which David attends in Canterbury. He is a scholarly, trusting gentleman who is married to a girl much younger than himself. Although his wife is accused of infidelity, he maintains his faith in her.
Annie Strong Dr. Strong's youthful wife. She is a beautiful, affectionate girl whose family exploits her husband.
Jack Maldon Annie Strong's cousin. He is a lazy, vain young man who tries to compromise Mrs. Strong, but is repulsed.
Mrs. Markleham Annie Strong's mother. A forceful, selfish woman, she always takes Jack Maldon's part and unwittingly helps cause the misunderstanding between her daughter and Dr. Strong.
Mrs. Steerforth James Steerforth's mother. A possessive woman who has spoiled her son by over-indulgence and a smothering affection; she lapses into a semi-invalid state when she hears of her son's death.
Rosa Dartle Mrs. Steerforth's companion. She is a neurotic, quick-tempered young woman with a consuming love for Steerforth.
Littimer Steerforth's personal manservant. He is a formal, haughty person who has an air of respectability, yet he aids Steerforth in his seduction of Em'ly. He is trapped by Miss Mowcher and is sent to Creakle's prison.
Miss Mowcher A middle-aged dwarf who is a hairdresser for wealthy families. She is upset when she realizes that she was duped into helping Steerforth run off with Em'ly, and is instrumental in the capture of Littimer, who aided Steerforth.
Martha Endell Em'ly's friend. She is a suffering woman who is forced to go to London to hide her shame. Martha redeems herself by saving Em'ly from a similar life and finds happiness in her own life after she arrives in Australia.
Mr. Spenlow A proctor and partner in a law firm in Doctor's Commons. He is a pompous, aristocratic lawyer who objects to David's plans to marry his daughter.
Dora Spenlow David's first wife. She is an impractical, empty-headed girl who cannot cook or manage a household. Although she is a poor selection as a wife, David is so taken by her childlike beauty that he overlooks her faults and marries her. Their marriage is a comedy of mismanagement until Dora dies, leaving David free to marry the domestically perfect Agnes.
Mr. Omer The Yarmouth undertaker and dealer in funeral clothes.
Minnie Omer Mr. Omer's daughter and Em'ly's working companion.
Joram Minnie Omer's sweetheart and eventually her husband, and finally, Mr. Omer's business partner.
Mr. Quinion A business associate of Mr. Murdstone.
Janet Betsey Trotwood's housekeeper. She assists Miss Trotwood in chasing donkey riders off the lawn.
Mr. Jorkins Mr. Spenlow's seldom-seen partner. He is reputed to be a strict businessman, but he is really a mild-mannered individual whose name is used to frighten new employees.
Julia Mills Dora's girl friend. She is a romantic person who advises David in his courtship with Dora.
Mrs. Crupp David's landlady. She is a lazy woman who drinks David's brandy and feuds with Aunt Betsey.
Sophy Crewler Traddies' sweetheart. A patient girl from a large family, she marries Traddies and assists him in his work as a lawyer.